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Tiger Drawings and facts...

Pencil drawings of Tigers

by renowned wildlife artist David Dancey-Wood

The Bengal tiger, Siberian tiger, Amur tiger and Sumatran Tiger - all majestic, all powerful, all cherished - sadly all critically endangered. Tigers are one of nature's most symbolic animals, but their current plight is one of nature's greatest tragedies.

Vision of Hope, a drawing of a young tiger gazing at a butterfly, by David Dancey-

Vision of Hope, drawing of a Tiger gazing at a butterfly, by David Dancey-Wood

Early tiger drawings date back to the 12th and 13th centuries. However, these early drawings of tigers are very different to the artwork we see today. Tigers in their earliest artistic forms were depicted with human-like characteristics and were often menacing in appearance. Fast forward to the modern day and tiger drawings are multi-faceted and showcase the very many different sides of a tiger's personality. Drawings of modern tigers showcase tigers being playful, restful, peaceful, and powerful whilst all the while showcasing a tiger’s vulnerability.


As of September 2023, it is reported that there are little over 5574 tigers left in the wild, and tiger numbers are now critically low making them one of the world's most endangered animals. We have a duty in ensuring that tigers are still around for generations to come. 

Beneath The Banyan (Bengal Tiger) a drawing David Dancey-Wood

Beneath the Banyon, drawing of a Bengal Tiger sitting under a Banyon tree,

by David Dancey-Wood

How big is a tiger? And are they bigger than lions?


Tigers are the world's biggest felines with lions ranked just behind. A fully grown tiger can range anywhere between 6 and 11 feet and can weigh up to half a tonne. Interestingly though, a lion's tail is longer than a tiger's.

Playful, a drawing or a Tiger Cub, by David Dancey-Wood

Playful, drawing of a bengal tiger cub, by David Dancey-Wood

How many species of tiger are there, and where do tigers live?


There are known to be nine different species of tigers with only six still in existence. The six remaining species are the Bengal tiger, Siberian tiger, Indo-Chinese tiger, Malayan tiger, South China tiger and Sumatra Tiger. Of these six different species there are reportedly less than 5574 tigers left in the wild - compare this to 100 years ago where there were more than 100,000.


Tigers are one of the world’s most adaptable animals with tigers being able to live and survive in several different habitats which include forests, swamps and mountain ranges. Tigers can be found in the east in countries such as Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, China and Far East Russia.

Sumatran Tiger, a drawing by David Dancey-Wood

Sumatran Tiger, drawing of a Sumatran Tiger by David Dancey-Wood

What do tigers eat?


Tigers are carnivorous and have been known to eat a variety of different prey. Tigers like to feast on large wild prey such as pigs, boars, bears, antelope, deers and even elephants. If tigers can't get their paws on these bigger animals, tigers will use their resourcefulness and hunt much smaller animals such as termites, fish, crabs, toads, and birds in order to survive. To catch their prey, tigers will wait for hours at a time, waiting for unsuspecting victims to walk right through their hunting grounds. When ready the Tiger will leap out of its hiding spot and chase down its prey at speeds up to 50 MPH. Tigers do not hunt in groups like lions and some other large cats but they will share their catch with other members of their family. 

Old Man of Tunguska, a drawing of an Amur Tiger, by David Dancey-Wood

Old Man of Tunguska, drawing of a Siberian Tiger by David Dancey-Wood



Why are tigers endangered?



Tiger numbers are sadly in constant decline with overall numbers now dwindling in the low thousands. The tigers cruel and sad demise is due to a multitude of different reasons.


The most obvious threat to tigers is sadly poaching. A tiger’s body parts are in relentless demand as they are used for traditional medicines within Asian communities. Bones, eyes and teeth are much sought after items.  Another major contributing factor that has seen the decline in tiger numbers is the never-ending battle between humans and tigers over space.


Tigers have lost 93 per cent of their historical habitats due to human activity and development. As forests shrink and prey becomes scarce, tigers are forced to explore new avenues for food and have started to hunt domestic livestock. In retaliation local famers have no hesitation in killing tigers, capturing them or even selling them on the black market.

Time Out, by David Dancey-Wood

Time Out, drawing of a Tiger by David Dancey-Wood

More facts around tigers


  • Adult tigers weigh up to 363kg


  • The first tigers appeared 2 million years ago


  • A wild tiger has an average lifespan of 10-15 years


  • A tiger’s roar can be heard from 3 kilometres away


  • Sumatran tigers are the smallest among all tiger types


  • Tigers can leap forward 30 feet in a single jump


  • A tiger’s padded feet allow tigers to silently follow their prey


  • Smaller tiger subspecies are scattered around Asia while larger types live in the colder areas of China and Russia


  • Among all cat species, tigers are the only ones with complete skin stripes.

David Dancey-Wood's Tiger drawings for sale


David Dancey – Wood has a passion for big cats, you can browse his entire collection of tiger drawings and tiger cub drawings which bring the real beauty of tigers to life, here on our site.


With every sublime sketch, David captures the character, the tiger's elegance, and its power, and his incredibly detailed drawings of tigers will become talking points in any home.

Visit our shop today to choose one of these stunning limited edition prints for your own.

​Collectable Limited Edition Prints and Original Drawings

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